The night Chemists

Bernard de Clercq & Yvan Petit & 50' — 1996

« Everyone must face the duty of being on call » Excerpt from the regulations of the Chemists order. In Brussels, two or three times a year, the chemists have to be on a 24 hour a day call. In this film, two chemists share their lives with us for five nights in their dispensary, where security glassed windows and surveillance cameras convey a growing sense of insecurity. The contact between the chemist and his customer has become a peculiar form of exchange based on suspicion and fear of the unknown. Will Brussels, like other Belgian cities, compel its sick to go to the police station before getting their medicine? Are the chemists destined to be just an anonymous dispenser of medicine? Can he still fill his medical and social role?


Production : Filma Non Troppo
Coproduction : CBA, RTBF
With the support of the Centre du cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Bernard de Clercq & Yvan Petit
Bernard de Clercq & Yvan Petit
François Ducobu & Antoine-Marie Meert
Frédéric Fontaine, Christophe Dumont & Pierre Mertens
Image editor
Yves Van Herstraeten
Image Format
Betacam SP
Languages OV
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