Otomar Krejca, theatre from one spring to another

Kamal Dehane & 58' — 1990

Prague today, a free Prague. A man Walks through the city and takes us through his life. He stops and talks about theatre and about Czechoslovakia toda. Otomar Krejca, a man of peasant stock who has maintained a sense of his roots and the cycle of the seasons from his country whildhood. As a very young man, his vocation as an actor drew him to the capital, to become actor, producer and dramatic director at the Prague National Theatre, the leading stage in Bohemia. In 1965n he set up his own theatre, the ZA BRANOU or « Theater Behind the Door », which would become internationally famous. The Prague’s Spring and the new soviet-backed regime meant the end of this theatre and the dispersal of his prestigious company. His last performance of Chekhov’s « Seagull » was hailed with 57 minutes of applause. And the exile began. Eighteen long years during wich Otomar Krejca created his shows on various European stages. « I love actors », said this man who recognizes his indebtedness to Stanislavski. Krejca live and breathes for the theatre, into wich he has succeeded in breathing the full dimension of life. His staging of Chekhov and Shalespeare is unsurpassed. His associates, playwright Karel Kraus, scenic artists Josef Svoboda and Guy-Claude François, illustrate with their images and remarks the passionate life of this artist and humanist. Immediately after his election as President, Vaclac Havel etrusted a new theatre to the sixty-nine years old artist, who has become a living legend in his own country. Otomar Krejca speaks with emotion about his projects. A new life is starting. A spring in winter… happiness.


Production : Centre d’Aide Technique et de Formation Théâtrale (CATFT), Image Video Bruxelles
Coproduction : CBA
With the support of the Centre du cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, INSAS, Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles, Société Renault Aqueduc Bruxelles

Kamal Dehane
Kamal Dehane
Jacques Borzykowski
Jean-Grégoire Mekhitarian
Image editor
Eva Houdova
Didier Moens

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