Two young women: A Moroccan, a Berber from Algeria. The first was born in a modest family of immigrants workers. The first is a trapeze artist and teaches acrobatics to children from the Maghreb. The second is a student. Both reside in Brussels, their lives revolving between their fellows, their work, their friendships and their uncertainties. At the heart of their lives is a question: how to define oneself as a woman between n islamic tradition taht shuts them off and a European world with all its freedoms. How to evolve without losing the powers of Shahrazad? With lucidity, they mantain a dialogue from one sequence to the next; one finds a model in a mother who had the courage to leave a violent husband and told her story in a book written by the teacher who taught her to read and write, the other in the warm-hearted grandmother she left behind in Kabylia. Violaine de Villers leaves Saïda and Soraya to their solutions and their freedoms. The space of the film opens and closes on the metaphor of trapeze artist, a body in weightless flight, free of constraints and open to our gaze. Within this space, two temperaments, two personalities who try both by force and by trial and error to grab hold of the « swing » that will prevent them from plummeting into the contradictions of their generation.
Production : Paradise Films
Coproduction : CBA, Arte, RTBF
With the support of the Centre du cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles