Destroying rejuvenates

Benjamin Hennot & 82' — 2021

The winter of 1960 to 1961 saw the longest general strike ever to take place in Belgium since the Second World War. Up to two months of total shutdown in the country to oppose an austerity law. In the plethora of archives, a multitude of characters from all walks of life tell us about the initiatives they led back then. But, surprisingly, rather than the gray-haired former strikers, it is youngsters who tell us about the struggle, as if they were there, as if they had been there.


Destroying Rejuvenates celebrates a Belgium struggling cunningly, inventively and aggressively to harm that which harms, to destroy that which intends to destroy.
Facing the water cannon, facing the armed trucks, facing the rifles, the live bullets, the horses and sabres, the people on the streets had the courage to stand up and be counted.
Destroying Rejuvenates is not a film about struggle, but for struggle. Destroying Rejuvenates is not a film about the past, but for the present.
And to bring the past into the present, Destroying Rejuvenates
banishes solemnity: the bodies are rejuvenated so that collective memory flows more vividly. Make way for the young.
Destroying Rejuvenates is history written by the unruly street, its ordinary female warriors and its unsung male fighters.
Destroying Rejuvenates tells the story of the defeated while lingering over the means they had to triumph.
Destroying Rejuvenates is the struggle seen in the light of its controversial techniques, still dormant today, waiting for another fight, ready to surge forth again.


Production : YC Alligator (Marie Kervyn)
Coproduction : CBA, RTBF (Unité Documentaire), Voo & Be tv
With the help of the Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
With the support of the Région de Bruxelles-Capitale,
du Tax Shelter, du Gouvernement fédéral de Belgique
With the development assistance of Brouillon d’un rêve de la Scam et de La Culture avec la Copie Privée, de la Sacd-Scam Belgique & du WIP Wallonie Image Production


Benjamin Hennot
Mathieu Haessler
Mathieu Haessler
Image editor
Rudi Maerten
Sound editor
Loïc Villiot, Aurélien Lebourg
Aurélien Lebourg
Stéphan Higelin
Gaml ! & Las Lloronas
YC Alligator (Marie Kervyn)
Image Format
HD - 1.85
Sound Format
Stereo & 5.1
Color & Black and white
Languages OV
Available subtitles
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