Mille Chemins du Temps tells the story of a singular industrial adventure, at the heart of the history of the tools of film creation. The writing of the cinema was nourished by the inventions that gave it movement, voice, color… At the service of films, technicians hold increasingly sophisticated instruments in their hands to capture emotion, life and truth through sound and image. The inventor Jean-Pierre Beauviala and Aaton’s engineers have marked the history of cinema in recent decades, inspiring filmmakers with new ways of approaching reality or telling stories. The “cat on the shoulder” camera, the marking of time, the “Paluche” are as many technical means as they are paths offered to filmmakers to meet the public. With Eliane de Latour, Manu Bonmariage, Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, Thierry Michel, François Pain, Claudio Pazienza, Olivier Hespel
Production : Les Films de la Mémoire
Co-production : GSARA, Ad Hoc Sound Services, CBA
With the support of the Centre du cinéma et de l’audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et de VOO et de la Région Bruxelles-Capitale du Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral de Belgique