Marie-Antoinette Boucheras does not support that one hunts on its grounds and all the means are good to repress the “obsessed with the trigger”. Seven years pass, punctuated by shouts, insults, and even blows between the old lady and the hunters. On the Sauviat plateau, Marinette goes mad in the hamlet of Champs. On November 23, 1985, the mayor signed the compulsory placement order which took her to the Thiers psychiatric hospital in Puy de Dôme. After two years of internment, Marinette returns to settle in his property in Champs …
Production : Films d’Ici
Coproduction : La Sept, Canal +, CNC, CBA
With the support of the Centre du cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles