In a two-dimentional dystopian landscape of deserted half-built houses in Albania, a new mythology is in the making. The filmmakers, perhaps a contemporary incarnation of Goldilocks from the tale of the Three Bears, invade the houses and occupy their empty, liminal space and its missing furniture. The local community comments in song and speech about the new arrivals and their enterprise of an immigration in an opposite direction, from the full to the empty, from excess to lack.
Production : La Chose à Trois Jambes
Co-production : CBA, Orafilm
With the support of Centre du Cinéma et de l’audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, VAF, Ostrovsky Family Fund, Argos – Centre for art & media
Mediterranea 18, Albania, 05/17
Apricot Tree International Documentary FF, Armenia, 10/17
ARKIPEL-Jakarta International Documentary Camp; ExperimentalFilm Festival, Indonesia, 08/17
IHRFFA, Tirana, Albania, 09/16
FID Marseille, France, 07/16
DocuTIFF, Tirana, Albania, 06/16