Gilles Ehrmann and photography

Patrick Van Antwerpen & 26' — 1992

At the heart of the film is Gilles Ehrmann, passing his original photographs under review. Gilles Ehrmann, enraptured in the dazzling glare, puls from a white cardboard box his unedited colour prints, telling witnesses from the past. Arranging the dead of Palermo and elsewhere along the walls of his apartment, Gilles Ehrmann takes the time to reflect. As daylight turns the mythical and sunlit pages of a book in-the-making for his friend the film-maker… The film is neither an attempt to narrate the life and work of the photographer, nor to express in words the timeless beauty of his photos; its aim is rather to enable us to see, through the motion picture camera’s gaze, these other so-called still pictures.


Production : Onys production
Coproduction : La Sept, CBA
With the support of the Centre du cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Patrick Van Antwerpen
Patrick Van Antwerpen
Patrick Van Antwerpen
Image editor
Daniel Devalck
Image Format
Languages OV

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