Upon arriving in South Korea and in search of a father missing since her childhood, Yoon Sung-A the filmmaker is confronted to a past full of enigmas which her relatives seem unable to solve. This gap motivates her need and her will to re-create her intimate story from words of other people, whether familiar or unknown, and from pictures of movies, TV shows or “dramas” that stage the reunion of missing people. The juxtaposition of those elements sheds light on the past of Yoon Sung-A, thereby accounting for an epoch and the workings of a society. In a dual motion, the movie depicts the fantasized portrait of a missing father, while including the personal story of the filmmaker in a more global history, the history of a community deeply impressed by separation.
Production: Michigan Films
Co-production: CBA
With the support of the Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et de VOO (TV-Net-Tel), Atelier Graphoui
Courtisane, Belgium, 04/12
Cinéma Nova (Bruxelles)
Kask Cinéma (Ghent)