In November 2009, the Assize Court of Brussels tried Ephrem Nkezabera, a banker and leader of the Hutu Interahamwe extremist militias, the spearhead of the genocide of the Tutsi and the massacre of the Hutu political opponents in Rwanda in 1994. The trial was held in absentia and, contrary to general practice, we were able to film proceedings. The debates empowered survivors and relatives of victims to express their feelings 15 years after the genocide with questions such as : beyond the suffering, which will never disappear, is it possible to move on ? What is happening in terms of compensation and justice now that the ICTR (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda) is coming to the end of its work and that the victims’ and torturers’ paths regularly cross, in Belgium and other European countries?
Production: Cobra Films, Zeugma Films
Co-production: RTBF, CBA, Images plus
With the support of the Communauté française de Belgique, CNC, procirep-Angoa(France), Groupov
Ramdam Film Festival, Belgium, 01/13 – Prix du film le plus dérangeant
Les Magritte du cinéma, Belgium, 02/13
Présentation du palmarès du 21ème Festival du cinéma ethnographique Jean Rouch “Hors les murs”, Thorigny Sur Marne, France, 03/13
Movies That Matter Festival, The Netherlands, 03/13
Festival Lumière d’Afrique, France, 11/13 – Prix spécial du Jury Documentaire
Festival Exile, Sweden, 11/13
AfrikaFilm Festival Leuven, Belgium, 03/12
Festival Millenium à Bruxelles, Belgium, 04/12
Quinzaine du cinéma francophone à Paris, France, 10/12
Festival du film ethnographique Jean Rouch, Paris, France, 11/12 – le Prix Mario Ruspoli & Prix des bibliothèques de France
Human Doc International Documentary Film Festival, Scotland, 11/12
Festival Attac, Belgium, 11/12
Filmer A Tout Prix, Belgium, 11/12
Ramdam Film Festival (Belgium) – Prix du film le plus dérangeant 2013
Festival du film ethnographique Jean Rouch, Paris (France) – Prix Mario Ruspoli & Prix des bibliothèques de France 2012
Images en Bibliothèques (France) – Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques 2012