This film evokes intertwined lives of three ephemeral plant works by Bob Verschueren, which are installed in different places: in an abandoned coke warehouse, a beach on the North Sea and a covered playground. We follow the process of their creation and then their life within the world that surrounds them, that of nature and man. They both correspond and contrast with these places and reflect a world in which everything is fragile and ephemeral.
Production : Cobra Films
Coproduction : Images Plus, CBA, Crossroads digit média
With the support of the Centre du cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, CNC, Procirep, Media
-Filmer à tout prix, compétition, Bruxelles 11/06
-Festival dei popoli, Florence – compétition (I) 12/06
-FIFA, Festival International du film sur l’art de Montréal (Ca) 03/07
-Objectifs doc, Paris (F) 02/07
-Visions du Réel, Tendances, Nyon (Ch) 04/07
-Mediawave Film Festival (Hongrie) 04/07
-Festival Arts et films (République Tchèque) 06/07
-Milano Doc Festival, Arte doc (I) 09/07
-Faito doc Festival, Sorrente, Naples (I) 08/07
-Lussas, Un certain regard (F) 08/07
-Prix Danube, compétition, Bratislava (Slovak) 10/07 + Honourable Mention from Young Jury
-Festival du film sur l’art de l’Iselp, Bruxelles (B) 10/07
-Cinéma Ambiente, Torino (I) 10/07
-Ecrans documentaires de Gentilly (F) 11/07
-Prix Henri Storck, Panorama (B) 12/07
Cessions :
2008 : CNC Bibliothèque Publique Paris (FR)
-Prix Danube, compétition, Bratislava (Slovak) 10/07 + Honourable Mention from Young Jury