S. Vermeer

After a training in Audiovisual Arts at the Brussels filmschool RITS (1993-1997) Bart Vermeer directed his own theatre plays and worked on short film and television projects. His engagement as a social assistant at a Red Cross refugee centre inspired his first major film project. Touched by the problems the refugees face, he decided to quit this job and make a documentary about this; “Shadow Warriors aka Dans l’Ombre”.

This project was followed with a short movie made with people who are in treatment for a depression. Together with a small crew and the staff and patients of the facility he made “ça peut tout changer!”, with a guest roll of Salvatore Adamo.

After that he discovered the importance of education and studied for a teaching degree. He did teach on different levels and is now a regional director for a school of adult education. His interest still is bound with human rights, language and storytelling, witch results often in projects and personals writings. He published three youth novels, two poetry cycles and one book of short stories.

Socially and environmentally engaged, Bart Vermeer feels that storytelling and creative writing can create a strong mirror to bring reality in a human and poetic way and can be a strong means in (language)education.
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