An impressive palace, the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Brussels. Now renovated, it has been renamed the Africa Museum. A voice out of Africa echoes throughout its halls… It tells us of the colonial origins of this Museum. Today, it is time to open up to the restitution of its heritage.
Production : Simple Production
Co-production : CBA, RTBF, Canvas, Arte G.E.I.E., Africa Museum
With the support of Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles,, Casa Kafka, Tax Shelter, SPF Affaires Etrangères, Commerce Extérieur et Coopération au Développement
Itinérances Alès, France, 03/20
FIPADOC, France, 01/19
Vues d’Afrique, Canada, 04/19
Afrika Film Festival Liers, Belgium, 05/19