Belgium is a country well noted for its ‘vagueness’ and taking this into account, this Belgian film delves into the world of ‘quasi’ cultural forms. One of the vaguest notions in the cultural lexicon is that of the ‘collective’ and this film explores collective art actions in Belgium and their intersection with dominant and subcultural political and cultural ideologies that brushed against them. The film is neither an obituary for cultural idealism nor a bittersweet tale of Utopian dreams of a ‘better way of life’ but a series of encounters raising questions about the collective archetypes which emerged during its research and shooting. “Is it alive, or is it dead?” is what Alain Resnais stated was the only question worth asking in art and thus this film uses its medium as a tool of research to consider the worth and the worthlessness of history.


Production : Komplot
Coproduction : CBA
With the support of the Centre du cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Catherine Vertige & Kosten Koper
Catherine Vertige & Kosten Koper
Maria Gilissen, Philippe Gielen, Nicole Forsbach, Filip Francis et Laurence Medori
Minimal Compact, Les tueurs de la lune de miel, The Names, De Brassers, Terril
Image Format
Betacam digitale
Available subtitles
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