Portrait of a group with lens

Eva Houdova & 40' — 1991

The Gauls were afraid the sky would fall on their heads. The Three Kings saw in the apparition of a new star, the beginning of a new era: The Christian Era. Sixteen centuries later, the great philosopher Pascal expresses his terror before the « eternal silence of the infinite spaces ». But since well before the dawn of humanity, the sky, the vault of the heavens, has continued to fascinate, intrigue and terrify. Len have sought to know more: astronomes have interrogated space with their eyes, their lenses and their telescopes. What do they do today? Now they listen to satellites, to electromagnetic signals from stars thousands of light years away. Has the element of poesie and fascination then disappeared? No. Like their Chaldean or Greek counterparts, astronomers are above all men of passion.


Production : Paradise Films
Coproduction : CBA
With the support of the Centre du cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Eva Houdova
Eva Houdova
Raymond Fromont
Pierre Mertens
Image editor
Eva Houdova
Marilyn Watelet
Image Format
Languages OV

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