What is there at the bottom of this dark hole, that child’s tear has to dig in the paper sheet? What are these strange hieroglyphs written on this board? Not easy to be a pupil when letters and words mix! Not easy to make recognize his difference… Above all there are these evaluations ! Below fifty, you pass succeed not! Then it is necessary to hang on to stay in the race.
Production: Ambiances…asbl
Co-production: CBA
With the support of the Fondation Dyslexie et de la Ministre de la Santé, de l’Action sociale et de l’Egalité des chances.
Festival Un festival c’est trop court!, Ciné Bol d’Air, France, 10/15
Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur, Belgium, 10/15
Festival International «Animatou», Switzerland, 10/15
Festival International du Film d’Aubagne, France, 03/16
México SHORTS MÉXICO, Mexico, 09/16