The water problem in Marrakech goes to the heart of what defines the question of moroccan economic development. Drought, mass tourism, globalisation … have forced the city to privatise its water managment at a time when France, a forerunner in water privatisation, is progressively turning back to a publicly run water managment system. “L’Or Bleu” investigates a new empre : water
Production : Need Productions
Coproduction : RTBF, ARTE G.E.I.E, CBA
With the support of the Centre du cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
-Visions du Réel, “Investigations”, Nyon (CH) 04/08
-Rodos, Êcofilms Festival (Grèce) 2008
-La nuit des milles questions, Berne (CH) 04/08
-Cinemambiente environmental festival, Turin (I) 10/08
FIDADOC, Agadir (Maroc) 11/08
-Festival ATTAC, Bruxelles (B) 11/08
-RIDM, Montréal (Ca) 11/08
-Festival méditerranéen de Bruxelles (B) 12/08