This is the story of Pia, looking for her brother and sisters « sold » in the early fifties at the age of 4, 7 and 9 years to a Catholic Italian-American adoption agency. Pia was 10 years old when she saw her little brother and sisters for the last time, perched on the donkey taking them to their destiny. Although she was not responsible for the tragedy (her father gave up his paternity) Pia still feel remorse: are they still alive? What have their lives been in America? Are they in touch with each other, living in the same place? Pia wants to find answers to all these questions, constantly repeating in her head? She is determined to find them now, after more than 45 years. Beyond her quest and investigation, the network of adoption is explored and the responsability of the Church and Vatican demonstrated. The socio-economic situation of Italy just after World War II is examined through archives (pictures and films) and testimonies of people directly involved. This analysis brings to light the destiny of thousands of Italian children who were, between 1945 and 1965, the target of this traffic.
Production : Jungle Films
Coproduction : CBA, RTBF