May everything vanish!

Manuel Poutte & 58/83' — 1995

Turkmenistan. Here is foud the oral culture of a nomad people, no sooner settled than racing off again through the sands! Through the epic voyage of a bakshi (storyteller) and a shepherd, « Maay everything vanish!’ gives us the portrait of a society caught between tradition and a modern world, between East and West, between stories of the past and the present. This film unfolds as a philosophical fable, following the tragic itinerary of a man who creates his own storyteller’s destiny, his own necessity, and his own legend, and the paradoxical situation of an entire people, that magnifies its past and loses its memory at one and the same time; that savours the legends of former times, while glutting itself on television soap opera. A tribute to a figure from another era, cast out by new entertainments! They are called Bakshis, the grand masters of the doutar ( a two-stringed instrument) and poetry.


Production : Lux Fugit Film
Coproduction : CBA, RTBF Liège Carré Noir
With the support of the Centre du cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Manuel Poutte
Manuel Poutte
Philippe Guilbert
Dominique Lohlé
Image editor
Marie-Hélène Mora
Sapar et Beshim
Manuel Poutte
Image Format
Betacam SP

Other films from Manuel Poutte


Manuel Poutte & 7' — 1989

Undefeated !

Manuel Poutte & 56/81' — 2000
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