The Belgian filmmaker Manu Bonmariage, known as the spiritual father of the Strip-Tease show, now has Alzheimer’s at 76. Although his memory plays tricks on him, his daughter Emmanuelle goes back in time to portray a direct cinema filmmaker who was always close to the characters he so loved to film.
Production : Clin d’Oeil Films
Co-production : CBA, RTBF, Canvas
With the support of the Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, VAF, Tax Shelter, Casa Kafka
2019 :
DOK.Fest München, Germany, 05/19
DOCVILLE Leuven, Belgium, 03/19
Etoiles de la SCAM, Belgium, 05/19
BelDocs International Documentary Film Festival, Serbia, 05/19
International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala, India, 06/19
Cinencuentro Pamplona , Peru, 07/19
DocumentaMadrid, Spain, 05/19
AricaDoc, Chili, 08/19
Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur (FIFF), Belgium, 09/20
IDFA, The Netherland, 11/18
Étoile de la SCAM 2019
Magritte 2019 – Nomination
Centre culturel de Ciney
Centre culturel Jacques Franck (Bruxelles)
Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles à Paris
Centre culturel de Genappe