« We can only photograph what we have in mind » – Daniel Frasnay. Closely associated to the humanist movement, Daniel Frasnay is one of the last representatives of a generation of artists who have stamped their mark in time with their peculiar look upon mankind and their vision of the world. This film is a journey through the photos taken by a man whose reflexions, questions and imaginary move between life, love, death and passion. Photographer of the day and night life (Lido, Moulin Rouge,…), Daniel Frasnay has cast a very personal view upon the major 20th century artists such as Giacometti, Dali, Miro, Magritte, de Kooning,… No more than man’s sense of oblivion, the ruins and disasters of the world cannot affect the richness of a work conceived with instinct and ye shelterd from the fashion of the day.
Production : GSARA
Co-production : CBA, RTBF Unité Documentaire
Help : Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel, du Ministère de la Communauté Française de Belgique et des Télédistributeurs Wallons.