Twelve young women aged 20 to 25 tell the journey of their sexuality since childhood. In their own bedroom, facing the camera, they discuss it openly with the two women directors who are facing the same interrogations. They describe the very first sensations, the random explorations, the stories shared in the dark and the unexpected obstacles. All of them share the same urge to find sexual equality, happiness and freedom. The documentary rebuilds a dialogue that most of them longed for as teenagers but could not find, and offers young women, and consequently young men, a safe space to reflect on inequalities which turned into our entire social structure.
Production : IOTA Production
Co-production : CBA, Pivonka, Participations auteurs, VOO-BETV
With the support of the Centre du cinéma et de l’Audiovi- suel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Tax Shelter – Casa Kafka
RAMDAM Film Festival, Belgium, 01/20
Magritte du Cinéma, Belgium, 01/20 – Magritte du Meilleur Documentaire
SEXWEEK, France, 02/20
Ecrans Mixtes, France, 02/20
Festival de Film de Femmes de Créteil, France, 03/20 – Prix France TV “des images et des elles”
POP Meufs Festival, France, 03/20
Festival ImagéSanté, Belgium, 03/20
Domino Queer Moments, Serbia, 06/20
Calgary Underground Film Festival, Canada, 06/20 – Audience Award for Best Documentary Feature
Kyiv Molodist IFF, Ukraine, 08/20
Festival des Etoiles de la SCAM, France, 12/20
Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur (FIFF), Belgium, 09/19
DOK Leipzig, Germany, 10/19
Pink Screen, Belgium, 11/19
Festival Chéries Chéris, France, 11/19
Festival International Jean Rouch, France, 11/19
Frazösische Filmtage Tübingen-Stuttgart, Germany, 11/19
Les Etoiles de la SCAM (France) – Etoile de la SCAM 2020
Festival du Film de Femmes de Créteil (France) – Prix France TV “des images et des elles” 2020
Calgary Underground Film Festival (Canada) – Audience Award for Best Documentary Feature
Magritte du Cinéma (Belgium) – Meilleur Documentaire 2020
Sélection par la Commission Sélection par Images en Bibliothèques (France) 2019