Julien SELLERON is a writer-director and chief operator born in 1969 in CASABLANCA.
He directed in BRUSSELS in 1994, in parallel with his directing studies at I.N.S.A.S school, his first short film « L’Heure Grise », selected and awarded in numerous festivals.
Subsequently, he worked as a production manager and assistant director on numerous commercials and then on feature films and TV movies by Chantal AKERMAN, Sébastien LIFSCHITZ or Gaspar NOE, among others.
In 2001 he directed and produced at the central post office in PARIS Louvre his first short documentary film « CACHET DE LA POSTE FAISANT FOI ».
In 2003, he directed in CHINA her first feature documentary « MADE IN CHINA », about the filmmaker JIA Zhang Ke, presented to F.I.D MARSEILLE and distributed in BELGIUM and MEXICO in 2008.
Consequently commissioned on documentaries, reports for Canal +, Arte and M6, in which in addition to directing, he was in charge of the image in his films, work undertaken since 2001.
Other directors hired him as a cinematographer on documentaries or dramas, such as directors Olivier BOHLER on « UNDER THE NAME MELVILLE » or Raphael MILLET on « Pierre SCHOENDOERFFER, the sentinel of memory », and 2014 « The cinematic journey of Gaston MELIES in TAHITI”.
In 2010, he began the filming of his second documentary film « The Night » presented at F.A.M.E FILM FESTIVAL 2016 in Paris.