Dreaming walls

In progress

The legendary Chelsea Hotel, an icon of 1960s counterculture and an artists’ refuge for over a century, has been under renovation for the past eight years and will soon reopen as a luxury hotel. 51 people, now all in their later years, still live amidst the scaffolding. Caught between fear and frenzy, some residents prepare for imminent upheaval as others protest against the hotel’s administration or hole up in their rooms. Against this backdrop of constant change, the film explores the utopian origins that contributed to the Chelsea’s mythical stature as well as questions the challenges it confronts in the future, as its residents, sold to capitalism, and walls themselves face a turning point in their common history.

Production : Clin d’oeil films (Hanne Phlypo)
Partners :
Media International
Les Films de l’oeil sauvage
Basalt Film
Momento Film
Hard Working Movies
Centre du Cinéma de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Centre de l’Audiovisuel à Bruxelles (CBA)
Brouillon d’un rêve
Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF)
Nederlands Filmfonds (NFF)

Amélie van Elmbt & Maya Duverdier
Virginie Surdej & Joachim Philippe
Clin d'oeil films (Hanne Phlypo)
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